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Welcome to mightaswellnotbehere.blogspot.com♥
Monday, December 29, 2008Y
YES !!

went for Frisbee today and took our very first ( or two ) cca tee. normal members have it in black and white and committee members have it in red. not bad design and stuff. jia you for Frisbee ya!!
another thing is that dear and i went for the movie YES MAN!! freaking nice movie with lots of funny stuff. Jim Carrey !! hahha.
ended the day.
My shirt !! =D


ends at 4:58 PM

Sunday, December 28, 2008Y
King VS Prostitute.

was away for chalet from 26 Dec. freaking fun !! hahha. had lots of fun playing cards and drinking. drink quite alot because of the game introduced by Shumin, a freaking crazy girl that i just know. hahha. enjoyed myself very much with dear around. you guys rocks my world, man !! hahha. starting school very soon so just enjoy yourself ya. Love you guys !!

**To him : muhahaha. hope you enjoy yourself ya. and and i never drink lots kk? only my blood circulation freaking good. =X hahha. Tons of muackz and hugs =)


ends at 6:39 PM

Thursday, December 25, 2008Y
First Christmas..


celebrated the first Christmas with dear this year. had a Christmas party yesterday at my house with the whole family coming over. unexpectedly, dear was being asked to join in and i think this caused dear to have a shock of his life. muhahaha. but everything went on fine. so ya.
went out today with dear to visit his mum at her salon. stayed there for almost the whole day and trim our hair also. hahha. ended the day.

**To him : DEAR, I LOVE YOUR HAIR !! hahha. must let me take a photo of it tomorrow kk? muackz.
Tons of Muackz and hugs =)


ends at 11:32 PM

Wednesday, December 24, 2008Y
Taiwan Day 4.

- 美浓客家村.
a street with all the hakka culture, food and stuff. know about the making of their handmade oil-based paper umbrella, ceramic and lots.
- 日月潭.
largest lake in Taiwan. named as 日月潭 as there is an island in the middle of the lake known as "光华岛" which causes the northern part of the island look like a sun and the southern part look like a moon.
- Lunch at 景圣楼大饭店.
miracle restaurant that was not affected by the 8.5 earthquake in the past few years. the earthquake formed a nearly 1~2 metres crack in the road which stopped in front of the restaurant. cool !!
- 文武庙.
temple of En shine, worship Confucius, Guan Gong and Yue Fei. the talented people in the past which believes to be able to bless the person with better studies and talent after praying. in the temple, we met a deaf busker. freaking cute person indeed and fun too. had local food like 山猪香肠 and 茶叶蛋 outside the temple.
- Dinner at 台中逢甲夜市.
local delights like 懒人虾,南瓜球. shopping and more shopping.
-Hotel : 金桦大饭店.
ended the day.


ends at 4:29 PM

Taiwan Day 3.

- 太鲁阁峡谷/南回公路.
only expressway back from 台南. crossing the mountains beside Pacific Ocean. beautiful water with shades of different colours. brilliant !!
- Lunch at 白沙湾.
a restaurant at the shore of Pacific Ocean. nice breeze with nice seafood.
- 高雄85大楼.
Taiwan 2ND highest building. duration of lift taking was about 43 seconds to 75Th storeys. freaking fast making my ears hurt lots. all around city sight and mountains at the border of the city.
- 高雄爱河/河边曼波.
known as love river because of the large number of couples there. sight seeing of major buildings on the 15~20 minutes ferry ride. coffee houses were open for a cup of hot coffee along the river.
- 旗津岛.
an island 10~15 minutes away from mainland. popular spot for relaxation away from the bustling of the city. admiring of harbour sight can be done there too.
- Dinner at 奥香楼.
土鸡宴. all dishes prepared with Taiwan local chicken, chicken soup, steam chicken, dark sauce chicken, etc.
- Hotel : 高雄星辰饭店.
ended the day.


ends at 3:51 PM

Taiwan Day 2.

- 九份.
old fashioned street with aura local stores selling some local dishes and handmade stuff.
- Lunch at 菽奥大饭店.
- 南天宫/妈祖亩.
this temple had 3 different materials ( jade, gold, wood ) made 妈祖 represented different meaning of 福、禄、寿. this period of time is the time of return, meaning returning what you pray for back to the temple. so on the day we were there, there were lots of people carrying status of gods towards the temple for praying purpose.
- 松花公路.
an expressway crossing through the mountains, similar to roller coaster with tons of bends around leading from 谊澜 to 花莲.
- 泰鲁格/长春.
a stop after the expressway for a break of sight seeing and a cup of local coffee. nice !!
- 阿美文化村.
knowledge known more about their culture through their dances and their dressing. audience were also invited to join them in the dance too. freaking fun looking at the Korean tourists dancing as they don't understand what the performers were saying and tried their very best to join in.
- Hotel : 花莲美伦大饭店.
- International Dinner in hotel.
ended the day.


ends at 2:55 PM

Taiwan Day 1.

- 0014am flight from Singapore to Taiwan, reached at the time of about 6~7am.
- Breakfast at 来来豆浆.
had lots of their local breakfast delights like 豆浆,油条,葱油饼,蛋饼,萝卜糕.
- 野柳 for sightseeing of natural rock formations caused by erosion and natural forces like the waves. the waves there were freaking strong that could reach about 2 storeys high. the famous rock there is the "女王头", a rock that look like the upper part of the queen with a crown.
- 阳明山天籁温泉 for some enjoyment of the hot spring with beautiful scenery around. though its quite cold that day.
- Lunch at 点水楼.
having some 北方小吃 and 小笼包餐. similar to what we had in Singapore with a slight difference in taste.
- 渔人码头/淡水老街 for some shopping and food like 鱼圆汤,阿给.
- Dinner at 士林夜市.
food and more food !!
had local snacks like 鸡排,大肠包小肠,肉圆,三鲜汤,鲁肉饭,青蛙下蛋,蔴薯,大饼包小饼.
- Hotel : 桃园悦华饭店.
ended the day.


ends at 2:04 PM

a day seems like a year.

finally being able to see my dear today after sooooooo long time of holidays and his events/outings. just realised that dear will be quite busy during the holidays, meaning i will have lots of free time to continue my drama-s, i think. =p
muhahaha. anyway, bought my mum's birthday cum Christmas present today. freaking cool man !! hahha. went home for some final packing for tomorrow's Christmas party at my house. so ya.
watched Bolt today too. love the character Rhino inside. freaking funny with this character around. over all nice movie to distress.
ended the day.

**To him : dear dear, you can come for the party too if you don't mind. muhahaha. =X
I <3 YOU !! Tons of Muackz and Hugs =)


ends at 1:05 AM

Sunday, December 21, 2008Y
Back !!

I'm back from Taiwan!! freaking fun with the tour guide Uncle Peter and Driver Uncle Honey Bee. hahha. will update soon with photos. now busy with the packing of my room. goodness messy. whatever. will update real soon, i hope. =P

**To him : muhahaha. I'm back to give you more troubles. =P so be prepared ya. hahha. Tons of Muackz and Hugs =)


ends at 8:55 PM

Sunday, December 14, 2008Y
taiwan i coming !!!

short and sweet.
i'm at the airport now waiting to board the flight. hahha. so ya. bon voyage to myself and family !!
tata. back soon.

**To him : miss you soooooooo much!! must freaking take care kk? love you !! Tons of Muackz and Hugs =)


ends at 12:19 AM

Saturday, December 13, 2008Y
On the bus..

boarding the bus today, i came across with 2 different issues.
1st, 2 young kids is sitting beside me when heading to cck, age of about 1 and 4.

conversion of theirs :
elder sis : yanyan, are you bad?
younger bro: * puzzled face * no.
elder sis : yanyan, are you good?
younger bro: * without thinking * no!

hahha. think the younger brother don't even know what the sis is talking about and just replied no. hahha. so kawaii neh.

2ND, an old man didn't get his chance of getting off the bus before the bus drove away. had a big argument between the 2 uncles and the bus was unable to carry on for like about 5 to 10 minutes. haiz.

anyway, leaving home for the airport at about 11pm, having a midnight flight. hope all enjoy your holidays ya. rocks on !! see you all in a week bah. tata..

**To him : misses... =(


ends at 5:58 PM

life to me 18.

being 18.
said to be at the age of middle student and work.
being said to be emotional.
not wanting to be treated as a no one.
wanted freedom.
be alone with the person that i trust.
and stay like that forever without the stress from the surrounding.
didnt know if stuff is going right or mess up now.
didnt know if knowing lots of stuff is a good thing.
cause knowing some stuff throw me into nowhere.
just wanted my friends to get what they wanted.
want them to stay as happy as possible getting the feedback as what they give.
want them to not suffer.
so to the person out there, please treat my friend as how he/she treat you as that is the everything from him/her.
god please bless them to stay happy always with no worries..



ends at 2:15 AM

Friday, December 12, 2008Y

finally last day of common test.
went for a good dinner at Swen sen.
went a couple of bars too.
Eski bar is one of them.
nice drinks with freaking cool names.
headed home by suping's boyfriend's car.
ended the day.
p.s: to Ringo : thanks for the ride ya. =)

To him : sorry for making you wait till i reached home before you can go to sleep. hope you enjoy yourself too ya. Love you !! Tons of Muackz and Hugs =)


ends at 5:52 PM

message flying..

about a full day to the time that i fly to somewhere far away from my dear for 7 plus days.
will freaking miss you there.
must take freaking care of yourself and do remember to drink lots, eat lots and rest lots kk?
do enjoy yourself too by going out with your friends or do something you like ya.
i love you !! muackz muackz and big hug!!

* counting down *


ends at 2:34 AM

Sunday, December 7, 2008Y
Double Happiness..

following is pictures of one of the jie jie that is being taken care by my grandma and her children now. a cute boy and a pair of 6 months old twin girls. kawaii !!


ends at 9:27 PM

Saturday, December 6, 2008Y
Early Present.

Went shopping at Ngee Ann City today. wanted to buy a jacket for the trip for Taiwan. hahha. another excuse to buy new stuff. muhahahaha. I'm a female and shopping is a very important thing in females life right? =X
anyway bought this jacket at Puma. dear paid for it as this year's Christmas present. yeah !! dear rocks !! hahha. ended the day going home alone as dear had to meet Marvin and hon tat at Plaza Sing for their job event the next day. so ya. ended the day.

**To him : Thank you and more thank you.. so this make me NEED to buy you something at Taiwan. muhahahha. must be fair right? hahha. Tons of Muackz and Hugs =)


ends at 5:32 PM

Wednesday, December 3, 2008Y


attended IS today. one sentence. interesting and challenging. hahha. anyway, common test is around the corner so jia you for all ya.

**To him : jia you baby! you can do it de. no problem. hahha. Tons of Muackz and Hugs =)


ends at 8:37 PM