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Welcome to mightaswellnotbehere.blogspot.com♥
Monday, May 31, 2010Y
Raining equals to slacking.

being raining in the afternoon for these few days and this equals to baby having time to slack or simply do nothing until the rain stops. hahha. more time for us to message each other while baby is complaining that he was so bored doing nothing. hahha.
finally went to cut my hair short today. it's being such a long time since i have short hair. think the last time that i had freaking short hair was when i was about 8 years old!! hahha.
think is a new change after polytechnic which is an important part of my life :)


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Sunday, May 30, 2010Y
Multi task is bad ?!

being doing this part-time job for nearly 2 weeks and can conclude my job scope today.

my job =
  1. surveyor
  2. mover
  3. sales person
  4. office clerk
  5. camera-woman
  6. deliver-woman
  7. and many more to be :)
this is one of the fun part of this job. hahha. though this job may be tiring but everyday is a different kind of experience :)

ps. hope to be able to go for baby's book out. JIA YOU!! POWER 100% :)


ends at 9:45 PM

Thursday, May 27, 2010Y
All about gathering and leaving.

On Tuesday, work as usual. went back to Ngee Ann Polytechnic in the evening for our BME Farewell Party. enjoyed the food and the special video done by the BME Society :))

took lots of photos, saw lots of people that i haven being seeing for a long time, loved the atmosphere that everyone were united as one to cheer and laugh together though we were strangers :))

Thank you !!

want to thank all the people that helped me through my 3 years of polytechnic life like the lecturers, classmates, my family, internship mates, internship colleagues and lots.

want to thank many people that came into my life to make it beautiful and fun till now.
People like:

1. Family & Baby Dear

Kenny, Steven, Cassandra, JunWei, Jermaine and Suping :)

Bitch "HANSONG", Mama "Marvin", Sexy "Chris" and lots more :)

Laoda "HONGHAI", XuanXuan "HONGXUAN", NhanNhan "NHAN", CoffeeFreak "AZHAR", CHARLES, LEEYING, AHSENG, MICHELLE and the lab staff like CaiHong and lots more :)


Love all of you !!!
and thank you for making my life wonderful :)



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Monday, May 24, 2010Y
Another day of life.

working half day today as had worked during the weekends. hahha. met Fab before going back office to send the photos to Jeslyn on the Flee Market and Kampung Day at Toa Payoh on Saturday and Sunday.
today was the first day of the daily redemption. hence we needed to sit in front of the Goldsmith shop for almost the whole day to wait for customer to exchange the oil and spaghetti. today record was 3 customers.
don't really like that place as the shop next door keep smoking like no body business. don't like!!

baby's training is getting tougher and tougher with swimming lessons and brief walking everyday. good exercise for baby to loss his weight. hahha.

baby is booking out at 12pm on Wednesday :)


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Sunday, May 23, 2010Y
Through the weekends.

being working through the weekends. meaning today and yesterday.
yesterday was working at Tampines in the morning with Jovan.
one word to describe : empty.
hahha. only one customer came to exchange the goodies bag.
went down to Toa Payoh to join TingHui, Lisa and Fab after that to help out with the redemption.
lots of people around as there was a Kampung Day event going on. compared to the redemption in Tampines, Toa Payoh could x20 plus. hahha.
lots of traditional games, traditional food and children around :)
Hot weather but nice people around bringing free drinks for us :))

today is basically a half-day work at Hong Kah area with YeePeng.
similar situation with Tampines but better than that.
had 5 customers today :))
ps. received free curry puff and drinks :))

for baby, is still very light training with lots of talks and briefing and also swimming test. cool!! hahha. but baby was like freaking lazy :x
another 3 days to go to be able to see baby :))

only thing that i hate about this job is the smoking uncles and aunties around :/


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Friday, May 21, 2010Y
Ai Xin Drinks :)

work for the third day today was about the same as yesterday with printing of flyers and distributing them to the shops and the public.
something different today was to deliver 2 parcels to IDA at Suntec in the morning. though need to travel here and there but think that the job is quite fun with Jovan and Fab around. hahha.
got free drinks from Miss World, one of the shops there. freaking good people that always help us in many bits and pieces :)
dinner with Jovan they all with Mario and others. funny group of guys :)

baby in camp for the second day. about the same things as yesterday also but think baby is slowly getting used to the life there on like how to arrange his time to bathe, wash his clothes and calling us :)
well done baby!! hahha. Love you!!


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Thursday, May 20, 2010Y
Away my love.

Second day of work and baby's first day of Army life.
working was fine with some giving out of flyers and hanging up of banners.
From baby, everything seems fine today.
Walking around to know the place, trimming of hair and slacking around. hahha.
JIA YOU BABY !! take good care of yourself and train hard ya :))
I Love You!! Muackz Muackz :)


ends at 9:44 PM

Wednesday, May 19, 2010Y
Enjoying life before the start of another chapter.

went to Bugis with baby yesterday to buy stuff for his army life. hahha. bought couple watches like finally as baby needed to buy a watch for army purposes. hahha.
dinner with John, Jia Zheng and others at a Korean BBQ restaurant. like the food there!! nice nice!!
YelloJello after that for a couple of drinks :))

First day of work today and also the last day of baby being "normal". hahha. Army's first day for baby tomorrow. work was fine with Jovan and Fab around. hahha. hope job will goes on fine for the whole period of working time.

To baby:
baby must jia you for army ya. take care and I Love You!!
see you soon on graduation day!!
muackz muackz!!


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Monday, May 17, 2010Y
Greatness continues..

went for the job interview introduced by Jovan.
got interviewed by Jovan as no one were around today in the office.
had an orientation around one of the working places by Jovan.
hahha. all-rounded guy today :))

will be starting work on Wednesday!!
hope everything will be fine :)
JIA YOU !! Power 100%

had dinner with HanSong they all today too :))
being so many freaking long since i last saw them. though saw them during Chinese New Year :P
had a great time chit chatting and playing pool together. great group of friends :))
hope to really meet up soon again :)


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Sunday, May 16, 2010Y
Another chapter of work.

Having a job interview tomorrow.
actually is to take over Jovan's job as he is going to be an official botak guy soon. muahahahha.
hope everything goes on smooth tomorrow :))

POWER 100% :)

ps. meeting HanSong they all tomorrow :)


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Saturday, May 15, 2010Y
Accident Day.

first accident since getting of my driving license.
today destinations :
  1. SPCA Singapore (Lots of animals like dogs, cats, rabbits, hamsters)
  2. Vivocity (Lunch - Carl's Jr, Pet Store, Goggles for baby)
  3. Turf City (Walking around)
  4. IMM (Dinner - Streets and walking around)
  5. ShaoYe Bryan's house
  6. Baby's Auntie house
  7. Home Sweet Home


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Friday, May 14, 2010Y
Swimming made us crazy.

woke up early today to travel to Malaysia with Baby, Jas, Dad and his golf friend.
went to Palm Resort, a country club that Jas and i went when we were like freaking young. bit and pieces of memories here and there. hahha.
went for swimming and bowling with the whole place almost to us ( with like one or two others around only ). hahha. COOL STUFF!!
dinner with dad, mum and baby at the usual Japanese Restaurant that we always have our meals there :))



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Thursday, May 13, 2010Y
Great great days with my baby ♥

went to Sentosa yesterday with baby. thought the sun was freaking hot but we enjoyed ourselves with the bit cold salty sea water and tons of food that was prepared by auntie. hahha. Thank you!!
went to Resort World yesterday too. not a lot of the stores there are open so nothing much though. back to Vivocity with our usual pet visit and headed home after dinner :))
ps. No photos were taken but will always remember the days with baby :)

went back to Ngee Ann Polytechnic again today for extra invitation cards to Graduation :))
didn't manage to get the 3 that we wanted but the last one for Jovan.
Walk and Drive around before dinner at Auntie's house. best dinner ever with the Flower Crabs, Duck, Soup, Vegetable and Fried Fish. muhahahaha.

ps. Hope to get the job and did it well :))


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Tuesday, May 11, 2010Y
Everyday is a happy day!!

went back to NGEE ANN Polytechnic yesterday to collect baby's and my graduation attire. hahha. lots of OLD people there as all are ALUMNIs. hahha.
saw JunMing at the bus stop too :)
went to Vivocity after that. realise that Vivocity became one of the places that baby and i keep going due to one simple reason.
muhahahaha. simply love the dogs there :))

today could be known as Maid Day.
hahha. made a list of things that i need to do before Daddy and Mummy come back for their so call "honeymoon" trip. hahha.
the list goes like this:
  1. Pack the clothes: in room and in living room
  2. Pack the bed
  3. Wash the clothes
  4. Wash the hamsters' cages
  5. Bathe the hamsters
keep getting wet the whole morning but feel great that all the tasks are completed within the few hours in the morning. muhahaha.
had plenty of rest today :))



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Friday, May 7, 2010Y
Happiness Continues..

Looking at Cute Pets, Simple Games of Basketball Shootings and dinner at Streets made our day nice and sweet :)

Something that we bought yesterday together to aid us to explore Singapore roads in the future :))


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Thursday, May 6, 2010Y
24 months of HAPPINESS♥

Had a GREAT day with my baby on our important day :)
went kite flying, touring Singapore with me driving the car and of course steamboat for dinner at the Old Turf City :))


Photos of the day.
ps. mostly or nearly all are baby as I'm the one taking the camera. muhahahha :x

Baby with his presents :)

Happy ♥


Up, up and NO away :x

Shoes of the day :)

Me with our kite :)

Pose ♥

Nice sky with Kawaii Baby ♥


Wah! Wah!

ps. Love you too ♥

Present Time !!

Everything ♥

Around the world on a luggage :)


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1+1 = 2ND Year Anniversary!!


2 years = 24 Months = 730 Days = 17520 Hours = 1051200 Minutes = 63072000 Seconds, seems so long yet not very long though.
so let's stay together for very very long, longer than anyone else so...
let's JiaYou together for the future ya :)

Our First Photo Together :)


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Monday, May 3, 2010Y
Things roll in cycles.

On the day when my baby got his license, Jas and i went to collect our book prizes that evening too :)
first time for Jas to receive something like that which is being organized out of the school boundary.

Attended the Tea Party by PAP (Physics and Applied Physics) on Saturday with Kenny. listen to the same information that was spoken during the open house that we attended a while ago. hahha.
ps. noobness that day sia :x
pps. yeah!! HanSong entering Physics too!! though in another 2 years. hahha.

Early Mother's Day celebration on Sunday with lots of them attending :))
great gathering for some chit chatting and eating of good food :D

Breakfast with Jas and baby in the morning before heading to Vivocity where Gayan joined us after that. Carl's Jr for lunch and headed home :)
Our dinner today :))


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